Transaction Tracking

Transaction Tracking

Sending transaction information with Joyned allows us to provide you with valuable insights into the effectiveness of Joyned and of your users’ behavior.

Please note that all data is stored securely as per our strict security protocols and that no personal identifiable information is collected in this process.

The transaction tracking code should be placed in the page immediately after the shopper has completed the purchase (example: "Thank you for your purchase" or "Purchase details" pages)

Loading the Tracking script

Loading the script can be done by adding the following script tag to the head section of the webpage:

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        apiKey: 'APIKEY',
        region: 'eu',
        transactionId: {{Transaction ID}}, 
        price: {{Transaction price}},
        currencyCode: {{Currency}},
        productIds: {{Product Category}},  

How does it work

The data is sent by invoking a javascript method called window.sendJoynedTransaction (that was loaded in the previous step). The input is a javascript object with the following properties:

  • apiKey (string) - This API key is unique for your website. This is provided to you by our team when you sign up for our service. Please contact customer success if you have misplaced it.
  • region (string) - What region of our servers is your website using. This is provided to you by our team when you sign up for our service. Please contact us if you have misplaced it.
  • transactionId (string) - The unique identifier of this transaction that was created by your store.
  • price (number) - The total price of the customer's cart. Normally before taxes or VAT.
  • currencyCode (string) - The three letter ISO 4217 currency code of the currency used to make the payment.
  • productIds (array of strings) - Either the product type or category (example: [‘flight/hotel/etc.’]) that was purchased or an array of the different product IDs that were purchased in this transaction (example: [‘p-as1264’, ‘p-ax9423’,’p-yz3458’]). We have recently expanded this to include the category for each product in order to track each product’s purchase in comparison to the cart.
  • userId (string) - ID of the user in your website. This field is optional.

What it should look like

Here is an example of what the implementation may look like, using Google Tag Manager as an example:


Confirming Integration

You can start integrating the tracking code before the platform is integrated/activated on your website. Contact us so we can check that the information is being received properly.